
The cutest thing about meeting new people is that I could always have the first impression of them. New people teach me new kind of personalities. And the more interesting the person could be the more proud observed them.
There was nothing on his appearance telling the difference that he has inside. His height was typically average, his black hair driven up to the direction the way he kept mending it. Oh, maybe his eyes. His eyes were shouting for sleep. Black circle surrounded each of his eyes but it doesn’t make his stare less vicious. Not in the bad way. Again, he speaks fine, as his story supports his eyes perfectly. I was able to see that as soon his eyes looking at me. And his story, man, his story was one of a kind. I know the story as such existed in this life but I never heard it straight in to my ears. Long story short, his talent on doing things in life absolutely present, like there, he tells everything as if he doesn’t have any fear at all. Literally meaning. I won’t say that I would go for him about everything because sometimes what he did mostly was impulsive. Despite that fierce courage that he owns, the way he dealt with relationship was quite mature. I mean, he consider things, you know.
Me, signing out.

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