It Won't End Tonight

Have I told you writing blog is just the coolest sixty minutes getaway from boring routines that almost choked me to the death of lively laughs? If I have not, I might have just kind of did. Days were just pulling me out of this pleasure to treat my spare time around here, simply wandering around by bytes. And mostly, write. Or just... wander.
Senior year consumed most of my hours reading non-fiction paragraphs which again, boring. I could not help to feel the tension of worries creeping trough my finger tips all along till my nerves on my brain heard it. but somehow it did not change me as the best procrastinator ever. I enjoyed in every bits of being under procrastination. sometimes.
The closest example was just now, I should have doing something, somewhere else but I guess this blog had been neglected long enough. So, I'll talk to you soon.
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