Truths Are Easier to Remember

In the current hour, through the piles of minutes and seconds, there are too many things to be listed running in laps inside my head. It almost caused a silence riot which implied me here. Sometimes when there are just too many things need to be done, I just ended up looking for salvation. Things itself may not existed as much as I had in mind, but it just impersonate stress in every line.
If trees has journal, I believe in between the strong and firm appearance, there are moments when they feel very vulnerable like a feather. Either in drought, storm, or when the air just simply polluted.
Spaces giving me the gap for complaining the littlest visible form of flaw.
I ended up blaming routines for taking away my spare time to write. I kind of miss writing recently. Somehow I maintain to keep it safe under the polite demeanor though the swears refuse to shut up deep inside.
"I have no time to write." mumbled me when I was alone in the elevator that brought me into the front door of my apartment. The spare time just shrunk in one motion. Mirror at the end of the hallway screamed at me. I looked bad but not yet awful nor horrible. I lost weight, seen from my thin cheek.
I walked home today, crossing the bridge from the other side of busy street. I stopped over at McDonald's which never sleep. Just because the yellow light striking my eyes assuming it calling me to buy some meals. And I did. I bought French Fries. Two. I was having my alone time where I tend to be very consumptive.
And that's that.
Oh, one more thing, I owe this blog an eternal thank you. Thank you for being the best brief getaway. I'm telling you if I left without anything to do, I might end up burning packs of unsolvable wrapped tobaccos.


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