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It's almost Christmas again. It's true, nothing, or nowhere, is as far as one minute ago. I thought winter had start, but I have heard the sphere officially aligned on this part of the world roughly on the 21st of December. That is to say, these extra layers of clothes may need additional support. Blimey. 2013 is around the corner. I have not even tick this year's resolution just yet. Oh, I have been easily amazed with beautiful people around me; little things. Brief meetings. As if I have all the reason in this world to love or to like, everything, everyone. That sweet entertaining yet inspirational video trip to Jogjakarta from hosted by Jebraw and Naya, made me realized what I have not been noticing when I was in Indonesia. That the almost-perfect-voice of Tim Ferguson I found through youtube, been accompanying me for nearly a week with his beautiful being every night and day. Even that charming English bartender in a local whiskey bar whom had been paying good attention to remember my order in two (un)consecutive days, stole half of my subjective appraisal on changing my favorite pub in town. I cannot say things have not been changed from the last Christmas, where I might claimed a mere depression of loneliness, there are few parts of my daily routines that somehow has changed. I was hurt for a solid ten seconds when I realised it happened; but I think it's just the time. You should keep in mind, if you have been through the worse, then from there nothing can get as worse; things can only get better from then on. Now, there are too many things before your eyes that are worth to love, to cherish, to appreciate - it's okay to like a lot of things, nobody gets to call you a slut for that! let loose the hatred, give love some space!!!!!!!!

Anyhow, Merry-almost-Christmas, you filthy animal! Keep your best friends safe. 

Feel free to click on those colored words, I have put a link that will lead you to another bit this cyber world have got to offer. Personal recommendation worth to check! x

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