Where The Line Should Be Drawn?

In order to seek a breathe of fresh air, I went here. Not exactly knowing what to do or what to say in one non-comprehensive post. Beside me, the study lamp was on, lighting my A4 size narrow-ruled paper which I had been working on for these past couple hours along with the background of ALL TIME LOW'S Straight To DVD tour video, cheering me not to give up in its own way. I might going to come back within a while to finish up half on going essay. Running away here as a brief affair solely to satisfy my human mind. I might able to go out from my room or at least just lying on my bed staring at the bed lamp or something. But to be honest, I have done that these past two days. Thoughts of mine were starting to reach the highest capacity this head may bear. However on the other hand, I was certain this was the closest yet best remedy to skip world for an hour or so. In brief seconds, I could hear my head telling me, this is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. I am just going to write. Here and there. About anything, everything possible. Although I am not going to say writing this bloody essay is easy! But let's just say that's the art of writing. In the future if I am going to look over my dusty post which sinks with time, I will remember this stupid night between stupid task, stupid 850 words, stupid thoughts, stupid songs, sweet room, sweet town 16 hours away from home, I wrote this. At least if I ever doubt what I want to do some time in the future, I knew at this point I was certain with what I want. And who knows, this might help me. So I'm going to write about anything. Including the best thing about morning is the cereal with fresh milk. The best thing about lunch is thirty minutes talk outside class. The best thing about dinner is I always do not care about the meal as long I am able to eat something. And now, internet is being a douche. They went on and off like the hazard light. Last but not least, today is my grandpa's birthday. Saying now, being away from home has increased the level of appreciation within me. I noticed things more, you see. I like the way he worried about me. I love him and the whole big family! Went on skype earlier today. Had a flash of homesick. Happy birthday, Grandpa!

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