Opposites Attract

  • Easy things are not compelling enough to let the brain works and telling the unconscious senses move. The level of attraction varies within the amount of difficulties involved. The more, the higher. Although this may not likely to apply on specific section of math.
  • Bad mood is contagious. The best suggestion would be to stay inside the room or take long long shower until the negativity washed away leaving nothing to carry on. Unless, you do want it to spread.
  • Plan is not necessarily needed - - just make omelette. In some cases, things just simply not meant to be in your hands to control.
  • Things always change as the clock ticks and earth rotate. Thus, make the best out of everything. The best pain, the best sorrow, the best happiness, the best excitement, the best joy, the best friend, the best relationship, the best hours, the best drinks, the best night, the best class, the best whatever it is x

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