Half Way

'So when shall I see you again?' I could not withstand the question any longer along with the rush of worry that had been attacking my head from feeling secure since the first second I was aware he'd be leaving this town in three days.
He barely reached the bench from the game, looking tired, sitting next to me. I could not even wait a couple seconds after he finished drinking half the bottle of water. He took a deep breath, followed with an exhale which sounded like sigh. I lean my body forward, putting my best attention towards him as I could read he was about to speak.
'Someday, soon.' he answered briefly.
'Where?' asked me again hiding my agitation under my voice. It would not need a genius to figure out that we both were heading to two different side of the world for quite a long while. The idea of being apart alone, had lost me ounces of sleep.
He paused for a moment as if he was catching his breath again, but his eyes seem wander off under the bright sun. In patience I waited, 'Half way.' he said lightly yet very vivid. His eyes had stopped wandering. His stare was found as our eyes met. That puts me in silence. A moment of toxin-free, set me on quaint ease while I was staggering at the edge of my seat. Without knowing where half way was, I nodded in agreement. I never heard something unknown sounded very certain in my ear. I softly repeat, 'Half way it is.'

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