Remember To Breathe

The presence of holiday will never ever be expired, wrapped with cheers and festive spirit, although chrismukkah still couple months ahead. Either short or long break from school, by all means the early hours, excessive use of brain, home works, projects, books and stationaries, would be a blow of fresh air.
When it gets to holiday I do not want to get involve with any kind of task. I constantly mourned about it because I thought holiday was about don't-tell-me-what-to-do kind of activities. But there I go, when I reached the point of nothing, today, a holiday would be like french fries without salt or salad without thousand island topping. It taste sour and not suppose to be.
I'd rather have someone-told-me-what-I-have-to-do compare to browsing-the-internet-without-any-will-as-the-last-option.
I'll tell you, it was boring like... like... school. even sometimes school was slightly cooler with the ace class mates.

let me repeat, pack your days with plans when holiday is coming near you. Avoid any no-plan-days during the holiday UNLESS you do really need some time alone in your room and not nesseccarily needs any kind of entertaiment.

I'm not trying to complain here. Or less complaining perhaps. But you know, the good things about have no plan is somehow you will find a way to do something; anything.
(the chance you would stumble randomly upon a greek god/musician like the picture below, is wide, wide, open). To keep your self occupied. Because sometimes, the reason you have no plan is you were too busy thinking you actually have no plan at all to survive the day.
But still, everyone, day would be three times better with exciting plans to be done.

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