Hold On Skinny Love, What Happens Here?

I tried not to get lost in stereo since the amplifier buzzed my back at the back seat of the car.
I had a long night.
and it's friendship day.
I fully dedicate this post for all those friends that have been going through everything with me.
To be honest I would like to write each every single name in my contacts but it would be too much so... I chose to sort things up; To make it short and quick, I'm going to write about the people I spent the long night with which means a lot to this year.

Happy friendship day, Riri!
You've been a helluva classmate and part of bodrex.
I like you more when you were drunk! :p

Happy friendship day, Eja!
Can't thank you enough for the wasted gasoline,
driving no where with us!

Happy friendship day, Emir!
Even though you're the-most-slowest-person-to-move ever,
I'm still happy being your friend :)

Happy friendship day, Ryanchlo!
Can't thank you enough for all the advice
and be my loyal listener - like I have my own personal
radio show - you're the coolest ever

Happy friendship day, Andra!
Can't thank you enough to accept my
midnight phone call and listen the way I blabbered too much.
You're the best

Happy friendship day, Tio!
Although you like to scares me about the elevator,
I can't thank you enough for all the tasty foods you bought for me and the long road!

Dammit. Iloveyouguyssobaditalmosthurtseriously. ThankyouforthenightandImeanit.

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