We Can Live Like Jack and Sally, If We Want.

It's funny how things changed and I barely remember when and how it happened. It's funny I can't even laugh.
Just like the wasted ashes from the burnt cigarette, I flew separately, to the different place I could not recall how I ended up here. I might make a list called 3W or "What Went Wrong" list. I can go on and on questioning why I stopped talking with the people I usually talked with for hours, everyday, before the sunrise or during the happy hour. Then again, why I quit updating my fashion blog and my facebook updates with pictures. If there is one thing that's not changing, it must be the growing habit of me, inconsistently failing on keeping this blog update.
For some people, the method on blaming something or someone may decrease the grief that suffocate the brain to stay in good sense. But on this case, there is nothing to point a finger to. In the most rational way of thinking, I have to admit the existence of nature's law, where things just happens as it is. Maybe at the point where it changed, I was too busy concentrating not to be drown inside the pool of disappointment then I got carried away and I started to claim things okay which in the same time I was trying to build the new foundation of something that had been broken. You know, the new routine. Aside from the loss of the previous missing details. Because when one's out, I just automatically got out from the circle and try to make a new one.
Then people just have deal with it. Though I am truly missing the moment I used to had with whoever I have been close in every way, I just have to deal what's in front of me now. Still, it is not like everything changed. There are things that are meant to stay. Like you, maybe. Reading this somewhere only you know.

This week recommendation would be Yellowcard's new album called When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes.
Among the preview songs on youtube, this goes my favorite, Hang You Up. Buy their CD or else you'd be hanging under the palm tree of regret. Cheerios

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