Tonight is not the first night I had questions. Questions, not doubt. There is a thin line lies in between them. And I would rather call it question. Doubt has the odd sensation of negativity, somehow. You know the sudden heat trembling all over your body then it intensifies around your head like something is wrong; as if it sends signal to your brain to believe everything is just wrong. When it is not. It is not, believe me. Especially during late night. I am almost certain, you should believe anyone else beside yourself during midnight. It is commonly judged as the hour when thoughts are running wild out of sense.
Thus, bad thought(s) is one of the deadly enemy of mine. Most of the time I let it controls me. Running along delightfully as if my head is a play ground. I nearly lost it earlier, or maybe I did for a couple seconds, but I managed to keep everything on the right track. Am trying. It is just part of the mind's play, you see. All classic and pretentiously arrogant, Shakespeare fail impostor. Telling heavy things weighing you down low while they are the one that got it wrong. Because good things are high, not low. You have to reach out for it. And also because God always on watch. And will always be ready with anything if we require something. I know, I know, it's sounds like a cheesy cheese stick with overrated cliche-ness. But really. You should hang on with whatever your faith is. If you do not have one, please, please, go and find one. It is necessary at the time like this. When you are.. vulnerable.
So, if you are currently going through something that happens to have a slight chance to bother your mind, listen to me, everything is alright. Or if you insist it is not, then it will be. It always be. Just sleep it off, and see what's the morning got for you. Maybe something more than a toast bread and coffee for breakfast.