When Everything's Made To Be Broken

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for me, every holiday has a soundtrack. And I was so stoked for this ramadhan holiday. not quite where I am going to spend, but it closely enough to certitude.
grown ups should understand how complicated teenagers era like.
Living are included in impartial choosing. I was hang in the middle, because there was no such easy way to fully understood the circumstances. I have always tried to be in someone else's shoes, but it only gets me another view to make sense. Technically this case still able to handle by one head, but somehow human has this subjection to others advise. I wont be selfish, but when too many choices lie ahead, it might ended up, the selfishness it self. I know, I know, this has no point. Somehow it just coming back to back, but hey sometimes that's how life works.
one line got involved with thousands of other lines, then suddenly it got twisted to no where. Personal wants need to be diminished for a while, and living very social.
Mistakes somehow happened on purpose, though heart beat pounds frankly. The sour taste of orange juice suddenly lost it freshness. Now, tell me what should I do?
Responsibility stand when you are mature enough, but ignorance is blisssssssssssssssss. Weird.

ps: about the picture, you might have seen him somewhere around. His name is Douglas, but just call him Dougie for good. He's blessly british. and I miss him a lot. Through it all, he has been my all time lover. he's the right weirdo but undearably charming. since the first sight on him, he has grown up a lot, and it was wonderful. Just curious when god will let him meet me face to face.


Nisa said...

Fi, I always love to read your blog, but sometimes it's pretty tiring for me to read english writings. ghagahghagah. Keep posting, and happy holiday :)

Fiya Muiz said...

oh, nis, i am so flattered. thanks for reading ya:) but so sorry because i enjoyed more writing in english:p maybe i'll write a little more simpler then haha

Nisa said...

Yep! writing in English is so much better, Fi. Tulisan inggris lo sangat bagus, n dont ever change it. ghagahghagha.

Fiya Muiz said...

hahahah thanks a lot lot lot. happy holiday juga nis! and anyway blog lo cool juga hahah :p