Baby, It's Cold Outside.

Dear Love,

Today's weather was unbelievably cold during summer season. Even after I put on my mum's old University of Iowa jumper seemed not warm enough. The clock showed half past eight at night, but the sun was still hanging politely. I was not custom with any of this. Earlier I was outside, not expecting any horrible British weather, which somehow unavoidable and greeted me by my nose.

I swear my throat felt something; as if I inhale too much cold air that my lungs could not handle. The wind, love. The wind was as horrible as your worst nightmare. Wet traces of the ongoing rain was nothing compare to the wind. My black velvet heels was fortunately strong enough to got through the seven minutes long journey from my favorite cafe in town back to my flat.

And there was nothing better than staying under the familiar roof where I could snuggle in proper warmth and a cup of hot chocolate. Watching the rain through my big bedroom window, accompanied by iTunes and a couple non-sense conversations through Blackberry Messenger which was perfect for this kind of weather; aside from the fact that everything was not making any sense at all.

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Tomorrow, most of my favorite people I have ever met and loved the most in this town are about to leave for the rest of the so-called summer long.

I'd rather not to think about it. Hence, I'm off eating my sushi take away downstairs.

I'll talk to you soon.

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