Believe Me, My Glass Is Empty

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what I need is a little bit of stimulation. by reading someone else's blog that appropriate for me giving a certain force which moves my fingers and started to type. I admit my writing has not been a perceptible. But believe me nobody gives a fcuk. This just a blog.
Once I heard from somewhere, when a person telling his or her best friend about thrilling news, in any form, her best friend listened but she never actually feeling anxious like the person who has the news. They just basically interact. People just acting nice although the excitement doesn't exist.
"I'm happy for you!"
the accurateness was questioned. maybe half true.
it nudge me.
individualism or selfishness was something that can't be avoided. Same thing goes the same on blog, I've been really curious are there some eyes with a constructed brain would care to read and actually interest on what I have been posting here?
They say on this age being critical is important but honestly I don't think it's about aging. It's about the environment that build your personality.

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