Hot Like Mexico, Rejoice.

She wasted her spare time hiding under the blanket. The day was fine to do anything, although her yard was quite wet caused by the quick rain earlier that day. She was looking for her mood under the blanket, but then she gave up and stayed.
Nothing compelling under it, but somethin was running along side her mind. She reminded to the conversation she had the other night. A conversation where it should be normal and steady but turned out to be something fresh like flesh and blood. her thought went like this:
"There was a guy told me about the land I've never been on. A land far away. An intense land. I shouldn't be there within a couple year but his story was very compelling. He was so upfront without even choosing proper words to use. His rudeness made him stood out. The language was rough and strange. I've heard it a lot but I rarely use it. I heard the land was filthy but enjoyable. The land sounds like my guilty pleasure. I have to talk to him and re-living the conversation we had. It was too real."
Soon after she tried to look around the spot where she might find him. She did find him. He was there, in calm sense sitting on the bench staring at the empty sky, pointless town. But you know what, she stood there, wrapped with fear to say hi. Her fear beat her down instantly, she chose not to discuss her guilty pleasure and went away. Keep wondering. Alone.

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