you gave me the choke key

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no matter how I'm feeling, the sky will stay clear, the sun will rise and set.
Honestly, I do not know why I'm here. There is no point at all. Oh, wait, seems like I live in pointless park, where no horse allowed. This is my brain talking......
television turned to monotone, I wonder when they'll get bored.
Discovering Jakarta still linger on my mind, I'm enjoying taking public transport such as busway,
I'm gonna take you on a ride if you have a plan for visiting Jakarta.
I want pictures, loads of pictures. pictures. pictures.
I had difficulties at night to sleep, recently I slept above midnight hours, that is not healthy, but I have not figure out yet how to cope with it.
I'm fine.
Okay, he told me he stopped smoking, and what a beautiful lie.
but here is the case, tell me anything anyone could've been mentioned, but not one, so far,
could make me hate and with such disgrace stop adoring him.
wow those sounds very pity of me.
Don't go offline, I like seeing you online, telling me you're there. safe. even I'm not typing anything to you, keeping the distance for survival. this another un-healthy habit of mine.
last night stomach ache strikes me, I could not even stay in front of the pc.
and now my head spinning like whirl wind.
Nothing is up with today, I'm just glad everyday I walked out my class, finished every battle, and I'm still alive, and getting closer to summer (read: holiday).
summer.. beach, sunset, sleep all day, midnight-out and that is what I called life.

1 comment :

Eleny Marsha said...

judulnya menantang sekali fiy. yeah I also feel glad every time the finish bell rang I walked out the room and finished the battle and the most important thing WE STILL ALIVE! Can't wait for holiday!