i hope it ends where it began

early morning
I was running as fastest as I could, I'm giving up all my energy to ended the seconds that I had, slightly less.
Sun striking bright last morning, I had my drowned therapy, on the swimming pool.
in some way it was good. being underwater feeling the everything pushes you down, pressure was getting high, but on the same time it was lost. lost in hundreds litter of water.
it makes you obsessed with air above your head, all the sudden things are packed in your mind. it feel sick in a minute, but when you breathe again, everything was different.
just different.

filled up. glad I'm having my Saturday out. it reminds me to... where I used to go.
fine, fine, everything is fine.
depends what you will post tonight, I was blinded by the rainbow flashing lights
too many common faces, some are good and some are bad.
Oh I met, my elementary school friend, I miss her so bad.
nothing is necessary to tell, like usual.
I'm living my eventful life

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