Much or many

I know its kind of late, but Happy Birthday to my dearest Danny Jones. (March 12)
4 words: I miss you, mate! :)

I dont want this sound emo but yeah I feel suffocated.
You know exams is on the radar. I feel terrible. for my self by only having slightly changes. I should be more... excited about this but why, dammit, why I'm still me that extremely lazy.
I need air to breathe in and out, I feel good besides Chemistry and Math. I need to go to school for heaven sakes lol
anything besides that were..... good enough. fine. alright. I'm just living my seconds always with my thoughts, and it getting stronger you know, if I thinking about something, it grows deeper. it kind of hard to explain.
I want to finished my novel fraking sooooooooon. but hard hard hard. I even not finished reading breaking dawn yet. oh joshie.
there are two words that I tried to understand recently. First is wait. and second, hope.
and... oh, its already midnight.
I have to go

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