frankly said

oh i don't know what to say. yes, i'm sleepy. i was over excited that my so called what ever it is novel is almost done, it's just words hanging around on microsoft words. only 20 something pages. it's about... sure teenager, with characteristic that I found in my daily life. I'm not making it too fairy tale. probably just a life that I create in my above reality. but back to the basic, people has different sight of view.
I'll find a way what would I do next with it, I have to make it done first thing first.
and I'll talk about it soon when its done
Oh, wow. here it goes again, there's a phase that goes like this in indonesia "malas sekolah" if you dont understand you could search on google translate indonesia to english, it explain more-so now. hmmm, I'm gonna go looking for.. for... light, errrr

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