game off, or delayed.

I'll let you know, when wants it's not enough.
I wanted to forget someone, wait, forget is not a proper word. you know, moment when you realized or understand that it might be better not to waste another feeling for someone that.. not pretty worth it waiting or.. fight for.
I've been saying this so many times, and I constantly failed.
it keeps coming back. I could not enough hate him for ignoring him, even in a minute, unconsiousnessly I'll defend him every way.
I could not resist any of the voices that reminds me to him or every corner of the city brought him to my mind. so I believe it fits on descriptions as everywhere.
from it sounds you can hear something hard, very hard, to.. well.. delete. I even talk more crap here, obviously.
probably above will explain what's on my mind, rather than I should put this on facebook.
I hate him more,
in the same time when I thought I'm in love.
those words sounds irritating.
I..caught wet.

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